Saturday, February 28, 2015

8 weeks: Make it a double!

Because we're having TWO BABIES!

Check them out!

This was Mr. Mom's 7w4d ultrasound scan.  Baby A measured 7w5d, Baby B measured 7w6d.  The doctor was also able to confirm that one egg from each ovary was fertilized.

More thoughts to come once we have digested this news....

Saturday, February 14, 2015

6 Weeks! And who should know?

Ok, this is feeling official!  Of course, now we are starting to worry about the published miscarriage rates (1 out of 5! Yikes.), so we're trying to stay positive, but like, moderated-positive.  Is that possible??

Mr. Mom took her first test on Day 13 after her IUI, so it feels like we've known forever.  Her first ultrasound will be after 7 weeks with our RE.  Waiting another week or so for that appointment feels like a lifetime!  But then, 39 weeks will feel even longer I imagine.

So now our big question is, who do we tell?  Especially in light of Exhibit A, paragraph one (chance of miscarriage).  Mr. Mom is a nurse, trained to give chemotherapy to oncology patients, so she's had to be very up front with her boss at work about not being able to do that any longer.  For me, I've told two of my most immediate work colleagues, but no one else.  Next: PARENTS.

How did (will) you tell your parents?  Mr. Mom's idea was to buy some Valentine's Day cards and somehow wrap the announcement into those.  We'll be seeing Mr. Mom's family this weekend, but I'll need to arrange something for Dad Plant and my other framily (that's friend-family) on that side.

Can I just say? There are so many good 'reveal' videos out there on the interwebs. Check it out.
Here's a really good compilation to get you started.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

There's NOT an app for that.

After our news began to sink in, we started to shift our focus onto the 'what next' and 'omg' and 'are you nervous?' phase.  Mr. Mom downloaded a few pregnancy tracker apps, and perhaps she will offer an app review guest post if I'm really nice to her!

I, however, am disappointed by the options in apps designed for tracking your partner's pregnancy.  They are all for dads (not a shocker, I guess), but many are SO man-stereotyped. Like macho on testosterone and steroids.  Blah.

So far, I've tried three of the least offensive looking pregnancy tracking apps, and I'm rating them on a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 is as good as it gets!

1) What to Expect: 3
This is one is a classic, and it's great for moms-to-be.  As in, the mom with the bun in the oven.  The settings do ask if you are carrying the child or if you are a parent/guardian, but it still feels very mom-focused (minus 1), and really doesn't address the experience of the other partner much at all (minus 1).

2) Who's Your Daddy?: 4
I love the simple design on this one.  Daily and weekly tips (many of which are quite funny), as well as a nice toolkit: Hospital bag packing list, to-do lists, contraction timer.  Minus 1 because it's still assumes I have a penis and use male pronouns.

3) Pregnant Dad: 3.5
Not as pretty on their design as the Who's Your Daddy app (minus .5), but lots of info to read.  I like when I get to learn all the things.  Still has the penis/male pronoun problem (minus 1).