Wednesday, November 12, 2014

TTC#1: Cycle 5, Mr. Mom's Cycle 3

We took a month off due to vacation scheduling, which was helpful from a financial perspective.

US: Day 3 and 10
Clomid: Day 3-7
HCG trigger: Day 11
IUI: Day 13

Update: BFN again.  This time we were vacationing in Maui, so Mr. Mom was able to enjoy a few cocktails towards the end of the trip.

TTC#1: Cycle 4, Mr. Mom's Cycle 2

Due to my lag in updates, I don't have a detailed summary like those I posted for our previous cycles.  Suffice it to say this was also a BFN for us.  I struggled a bit with this one, feeling more disconnected from the process, although I think Mr. Mom was just trying to protect me from extra stress.