Friday, May 9, 2014

TTC #1 - Cycle 1

This was our first cycle, and a month earlier than we'd originally planned, so the preparation was a little hectic.  We had to make sure we had all the necessary items for an at-home IUI (see Nuts and Bolts for more detail on the How), but we were still able to get all the items to the house in time, and gave it our best shot!

Most TTC'ers are using LH testing strips, but I've had very little luck so far with these.  On this cycle, I had a fairly dark result (although still not darker than the control line) on CD14, around 10am.  My cervix was also open, so we did our first IUI at 9pm CD14, then 12pm CD15.  Because my cervix was very open, Mr. Mom was able to insert the catheter all the way into my uterus, up to the 2" mark. However, my cervix was not as open for the second IUI, so Mr. Mom could only insert the catheter ~ 1".

I orgasmed after each IUI (which is sort of a feat in itself, when you're stressing about timing and IUI logistics!).

BFN.  This month wasn't the one.  I experienced cramping off and on during the TWW, and had a slightly longer luteal phase than normal, but nothing stuck this time.

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